Christmas time is here so spread some holiday cheer!!!!!! We decided to add some Christmas Festivity to our dorm room. Of course my mom had my monthly care package with some decorations including out door cover and pillowcases which we actually use as chair covers!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Coming Home!
So for Thanksgiving the Arizona girls up here decided to surprise our family and friends by coming down for a week it was a ton of fun and it was nice to get out of the cold for a little while well while we were down there we had my little sisters birthday party. We went shopping on Black Friday and then we went to Glendale Glitters so here are some photos from those events.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Once there was a little couch....
What is better to do in Provo then go Couching!!!!! What is couching you may ask... well it is when you steal a couch from some one you know and take it random places and take pictures with it. Well some of our dear friends who live in the Pioneer House have like five different couches in their living room so we figured they wouldn't miss one if we took one. So when no one was home we snuck in and took it.
Well we waited for a while to get a van or truck to transport it in... unfortunately we didnt get it in time so we decided to just carry it every where we could. It was so crazy.

Next we continued down the road where we had to cross the street... that was a fun experience.... and yes we are in the middle of an intersection.
After we got across the street we took a few more photos with the bus stop, and the light and whatever else we could find.
As we continued down the road we ran into these guys that were in a truck well one jumped out and jumped on our couch... it was crazy.. further down there was a bank well we needed a little money for the road so we went through the drive thru... and yes with the couch!

First we took it to the corner of the road where there were some leaves.... and surfing.

Next we continued down the road where we had to cross the street... that was a fun experience.... and yes we are in the middle of an intersection.

As we continued down the road we ran into these guys that were in a truck well one jumped out and jumped on our couch... it was crazy.. further down there was a bank well we needed a little money for the road so we went through the drive thru... and yes with the couch!

Well then came the different fast food destinations where we met some great guys who were willing to take pictures with us... we also were able to bring the couch into the bowling alley.... and yes i mean inside the alley and they workers didnt even say anything!

Finally we ended at the BYU sign... where we attempted to spell out BYU but it didnt really work! (oh some random guy joined us!)

So if you ever decide to attempt this crazy stunt just remember where ever you take the couch you have to get it back some how.... well at 11 oclock at night and after carrying a couch for over a mile or so we really didnt want to carry it back luckily one of the girls friends had a van and rescued us!!! He was a macho man too!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
First time i feel lucky for not having a car.

Cars cars cars.... up at college i defintiely miss having a car but its something i have to live with. But over this past month i have realized how lucky i am cause i dont have one! Three of my frineds in the past month have had their car break down and die when i was in the car with them. First my friend mimi's car wouldnt start... we jump started it and took it to chekcers to get a new battery but wait it wasnt the battery it was the altinator so 300 dollars later we were on our way with a happy car... or so we thought. A few days later it wasnt working again and we found out the battery had died too... luckily the guy gave her one for free. Then a few days later a group of my friends and i decided to make a trip to chipotle well we were in Shanes car and on the highway we noticed that smoke was coming out of his hood.... well we pulled over and he was out of coolant.... so we had to chill at a gas station until it cooled down and we could fill her up. Well obviously we never made it to chipotle but we finally got the car working and happy. Then this past weekend me and the girls decided to go in the canyon towards park city and take pictures and such well on the road my friends car stopped accelerating... we were on a road with speed limit of 55mph and we were going 20! It was definitely fun having people pass us and glaring at us. Well we stopped at a little town and turned around to head back home... on our way we pulled over cause the car was not really moving at all well it ended up dying. So we called a tow truck and some friends to come pick us up well we ended up taking some pictures too which made the entire day worth it! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Return to Chipotle!!!
As most of you know i worked at chipotle over the summer so i ate it like 6 days a week. Well since being up in the beautiful provo i havent had the opportunity to have it because there is NO CHIPOTLES IN PROVO!!! What were they thinking! but there is one about thirty minutes away in a little town called Sandy. This past weekend mimi and I took a trip up to her Grandparents house up in West Valley and Sandy was on the way so we went twice! It was so amazing!!! And on top of it we had to take pictures to celebrate our happy moment!

And i missed my job so much i helped them set up their brought back so many memories! haha
Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday night me and two of my lovely AZ friends who were attempting to escape the cold (did i mention it snowed here on Saturday! talk about being cold!) took a trip down to the nicklecade... we ended up hitting the jackpot on one game and getting over three hundred tickets it was awesome!!!!

However the best part of any arcade is the amazing prizes you can win with your hard earned tickets... among our trophies we go vampire fangs, candy, whistle lips, handcuffs, skeleton rings, and other misc items.

And yes we do know we were matching... let me tell you this happens often we need to stop going shopping together!

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