Cars cars cars.... up at college i defintiely miss having a car but its something i have to live with. But over this past month i have realized how lucky i am cause i dont have one! Three of my frineds in the past month have had their car break down and die when i was in the car with them. First my friend mimi's car wouldnt start... we jump started it and took it to chekcers to get a new battery but wait it wasnt the battery it was the altinator so 300 dollars later we were on our way with a happy car... or so we thought. A few days later it wasnt working again and we found out the battery had died too... luckily the guy gave her one for free. Then a few days later a group of my friends and i decided to make a trip to chipotle well we were in Shanes car and on the highway we noticed that smoke was coming out of his hood.... well we pulled over and he was out of coolant.... so we had to chill at a gas station until it cooled down and we could fill her up. Well obviously we never made it to chipotle but we finally got the car working and happy. Then this past weekend me and the girls decided to go in the canyon towards park city and take pictures and such well on the road my friends car stopped accelerating... we were on a road with speed limit of 55mph and we were going 20! It was definitely fun having people pass us and glaring at us. Well we stopped at a little town and turned around to head back home... on our way we pulled over cause the car was not really moving at all well it ended up dying. So we called a tow truck and some friends to come pick us up well we ended up taking some pictures too which made the entire day worth it!