Friday, April 2, 2010

Not a teenager any more... FINALLY!

The time has come and I am no longer a teenager! Well... I won't be on Sunday. I posted a status on facebook about the end of a great decade in my life and asked how I should end it. One person suggested getting pregnant and I decided that was not going to happen ( I beat teen pregnancy and I wanted to keep it that way) Then, my mom started listing all the crazy things I've done as a teenager and I thought about how awesome these past seven years were! So I created a list of 20 things I did before I was 20. (Thanks mom for helping me think of some of these!)

1. Stole a couch and carried it around Provo.

2. Got kicked out of a store (Wally-Mart!!!)

3. Took a 24-hour trip to Mount Rushmore

4. Learned to Snowboard

5. Got a free senior trip to California, went to Disney Grad Night, six flags and more.

6. Got in a giant food fight.

7. Dyed my hair the color of a dead bass. (Don't ask)

8. Graduated high school

9. Choreographed a dance that won first place in a dance competition, danced for years of my life, became a dance instructor, got my pointe shoes.

10. Met Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite

11. Participated in a Prom Dress Fashion Show

12. Got accepted to Brigham Young University and moved away from home.

13. Received my young women recognition award

14. Hiked Mount Timpanogos

15. Went to Hawaii and visited Pearl Harbor with my Family!

16. Got an awesome roommate and had a Random 80s Night

17. Filled a hot tub with dishwasher soap.

18.Became a Ninja Turtle

19. Joined a Mafia

20. Had Knee Surgery (gotta take after my dad! :)

I know there is a lot more I've done this is just some of the things I could think of and had pictures of! Thank you everyone who has been apart of my life and helped me become the person I am today! I don't know where I would be with out all of you, especially my parents they have taught me everything I know and I love and appreciate them so much! And of course my siblings if I didn't have them... well life would be super boring. Love you all!


Carla said...

Great post!!!

Audra said...

Your life is AMAZING! Happy birthday and have a wonderful Easter, too!

Kennedy said...

DEAD BASS! hahahahahahaha! I don't have to ask about that one! LOVE this post! Happy Birthday!

Tara said...

I LOVE YOU! You are so much fun and I can't believe how fast you are growing up! Aaaaaah! That makes me feel SO old! You're the best and I can't wait to get together for lunch :)