Monday, October 13, 2008


So if you are really bored up in Utah and poor then just grab a group of friends and go to the Nicklecade! Its an arcade but each games only takes nickles.... five dollars gets you at least and hour to two hours of fun!

Saturday night me and two of my lovely AZ friends who were attempting to escape the cold (did i mention it snowed here on Saturday! talk about being cold!) took a trip down to the nicklecade... we ended up hitting the jackpot on one game and getting over three hundred tickets it was awesome!!!!

After 354 tickets or so we decided to lay off the tickets winning games and move to a more practical games like shooting games which led to a little fun filled violence.... poor cas (the guy)!

However the best part of any arcade is the amazing prizes you can win with your hard earned tickets... among our trophies we go vampire fangs, candy, whistle lips, handcuffs, skeleton rings, and other misc items.

And yes we do know we were matching... let me tell you this happens often we need to stop going shopping together!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Looks like fun! Wish we had a nicklecade! I'm suddenly in the mood for Chipotle, think I'll go tomorrow. Ha ha, I'll think about you when I'm enjoying a little piece if burrito heaven!