Friday, February 20, 2009

Music is my life Challenge!


1. Put your MP3/iPod or other device that plays music on "Shuffle."
2. For each question, skip to the next song. Whichever song appears is your answer.

If everyone says, "everything is well," what do you say?
"Morning Calls" by Dashboard Confessional
Hm well i guess everything is well you should attack the moring when it calls and have a good day!

What best describes your personality?
"Bad Girl" Danity Kane
Um i am not a bad girl i promise! maybe deep down i want to be?

What suits you today?
"Bad Day" Fuel
No i had a good day today i didnt have classes so maybe that was for yesterday cause that was a crazy day!

What is your goal in life?
"Black & Gold" Sam Sparro
So maybe i want to be rich, or have black something? maybe a dog that would be fun a black dog i guess!

What is your motto?
"Bringin the Noise"Nsync
Uh DUH bring in that noise get the party started and dance your life away!!!

What do your friends think of you?
"Giving it all away" Ashlee Simpson
Maybe i give my friends too much, i should stop that! :) not really!

What do you think about often?
"Tattoo" Jordin Sparks
Well actually i do want one... haha no not really that stuffs permanent! Scary!

How much is 2 + 2?
"Peanut Butter & Jelly" Chirstina Millian
Yes... that is correst 2+2= PB&J!!!!! hehe

What do you think of your best friends?
"I'll fly away" Kanye West
Um ya not really sure what this means haha!

What do you think of the person you like?
"Peanut Butter and Jelly" InsideOut A Cappella
um... ya that would be my second PB&J song, maybe i am hungry or something. But whoever i like better like PB&J! yay!

What is the history of your life?
"Do you remember" Jack Johnson
Well that makes sense i do remember the history of my life well some... But it is worth remembering i promise!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
"Make Me Sick" Danity Kane
Um maybe i want to be a doctor! No thats a joke if i was a doctor it would make me sick!

What will you do when you meet the person you like?
"Do you wanna Dance" Dream
I guess i will ask them to dance which makes sense i love dancing and prince charming better take me dancing! :)

What do your parents think of you?
"If we were a movie" Hannah Montana
I believe this means my parents think my life is movie worthy or maybe i should be a movie star! Dont worry ill remember all of you when i am famous! kisses!

What will you dance to in your wedding?
"First Date" Blink-182
Well i believe this means we will dance in remembrance of our first date together but my roomie believes that our wedding will be our first date "make this last forever" AHH scary!

What music will play during your funeral?
"Marriage to Millions" Cute is What we aim for
Um... no comment!

What is your pastime?
"Don't Go Away mad (just go away)" Motley Crue
Um telling people to leave,maybe my pass time will be firing people haha!

What is your biggest secret?
"I am the Walrus" Across the Universe Soundtrack
Yes, indeed i am the walrus, you can make your own interpretation of this, but i will tell you it is not refering to the size of sed walrus.

What do you think of your friends?
"Wanted Dead or Alive" Bon Jovi
In fact i would prefer alive, unless i am buffy and i can have friends like Angel and Spike then they can be dead because they are dead hot men!

What is the worst thing that could happen?
"Reload" Matrix soundtrack
Um.... K?

How will you die?
"Voodoo Doll" Fergie
NO!!! Someone really does not like me! I am scared i am going to be super nice from now on... like super duper nice cause i am already nice!

What is the only thing you regret?
"Come So Far (Got so far to go)" Hairspray soundtrack
This works i guewss i will regret going to far into something but i will still have so much to go. Actually i have no idea what i am saying i am just tring to make sense of it!

What makes you laugh?
"Never Leave You" Lumidee
HAHAHAHA, i guess its not really that funny but i dont believe people when they tell me they will never leave me they are liars!!! ALL OF THEM! haha not really!

What makes you cry?
"Never Let Me Down" Kanye West
When people let me down i am sad, i have broken tear duds so i dont actually cry but i do get really really sad!

Who will you marry one day?
"Chirstman Canon"Trans-Siberian Orchestra
I guess i will marry santa clause cause he is from christmas, or an elf, CRAP my husdband is going to be short! well at least we will be rocking out to Blink-182 at my wedding! heck yes!

What scares you the most?
"A new hope" Blink-182
Speaking of blink! haha but um ya maybe the hope of i have no idea i cant analyze this one!

Does anyone like you?
"McDonalds Girl" Insideout
Um everyone loves micky-Ds so i am going to have my glass half full and say yes everyone loves me too!

If you could go back in time, what would you change?
"Stand" Rascal Flatts
Um, i would change how everyone stands they need to stnad on there hands now! muahahahah! :) ok nevermind thats stupid what was i thinking!

What hurts you now?
"Come right out and say it" relient K
Um i think someone is not saying something to me and it is hurting me even though i dont kknow it deep down but it does hurt! Your so mean whoever is keeping something from me! :(

Well this was fun believe me! Me and my roomie had a little too much fun laughing at these! hahahahah! Good luck to all who that the music is my life challenge!

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