Sunday, March 8, 2009


So i finally did it... i went snowboarding! And it was amazing!!!!!!!! Me and Rima have a friends jessica who is like an expert snowboarder and she offered to teach us how to do it and if i do say so myself we were amazing. I only rolled down the mountain once. And when i say rolled i am serious i face planted and somersalted down the mountain it was hilarious!!!!! I am ok though no scratchs or brusies my face was cold and a little numb but i survived and had such a fun time. I have found my new winter time activity!

This is me, melissa, and rima renting our gear! We were so excited!
Then we hit the mountains (that is me in the blue i look so legit!)

Then there went Rima after me in the red!

But of course you have your ups and your downs... we fell multiple times and we were so sore the next day from it! Snowboarding is hard work!

After a few times i finally figured it out!

It was definitley an experience but an enjoyable one. Below is the group i went with and we are all sitting on the ski lift and next to it is our awesome instructor!

Finally a nice group photo! Awww so cute!