Ah Life!!!!
Ok... so I finally woke up today. It hit me that all of my guys back home are leaving! What is this!!!!! I saw pictures of Alex at the MTC and now I heard Andrew is going to Honduras (congrats by the way) but still more of my guys are filling out mission papers and it is so weird! I didn't expect this, I feel happy, sad, and joyful all at the same time. I mean these boys i have grown up with are all going to be gone for two years! That is a really really long time! So much can change from now till then and with me being up in Utah how many of them are going to leave before i get to see them again! I am missing their farewells and mission call openings and everything. There are a few people at BYU opening there mission calls but still its not the same these are my guys, my friends, and most practically my brothers! It is so weird to think when they get back how much they are going to change, how much i am going to change and how much life is going to change for all i know i could be engaged or something... Ah OK never mind i just scared myself with that thought! Any ways i guess this whole post is about how I realize how fast time flies, and how we are all growing up and changing. Seriously i am still trying to accept the fact that these boys are going to be living on their own, cooking cleaning and taking care of themselves! YIKES! they can't do that!Especially some of them in a foreign country, dang they are growing up too fast! :) (OK i feel like their mothers but seriously its just too weird!) today has just been a weird day i guess i realized that i have a lot of writing ahead of me! Dang with over 10 guys or so leaving this year i am going to be busy! Good luck to all of them and i know that they will do great! My North Canyon guys are the best and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to grow up with these guys, from joy school, to middle school, to high school, and now college we have been through everything! Ah this is just too weird!!!!! Congrats all of you for going out into the world and making a difference in peoples lives i know you will succeed!!

It is weird, huh? I just ran into Jane Cincinelli and she said Devin is studying in the Navy for Nuclear engineering or something like that! I think you will get to see most of the guys when you come home in April.
Wow, everything that you just said is what I have been thinking for a long time! (ok, sorry I was trying to go for a little Nacho Libre at the begining there but it didn't really work out) But, I hear ya! Isn't scary? But then again look at us? We had to leave home before they even did and yes we are girls and can probably handle it more but I agree it is sooo crazy! But be grateful that you'll get to see most of them when you go home after school.. I sadly don't get that chance! :( We're going to have to do some reunion once all of them get home from their missions! Lindsey Lou.. YOU'RE AWESOME! haha, I thought I would throw that in there! :) Miss ya!
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