I'm sure your reading this and are thinking what in the world?? Well, last weekend me and three of my girl friends decided that we wanted to go to Mount Ruchmore. None of us have seen it and we all wanted too. (also it was only ten hours away and that was probably the closest any of us will ever live to South Dakota). Truth be told we have actually been discussing this for a few weeks now but we all wanted it to be very random and spontaneous. Well that is exactly how it happend. Last Saturday while we were having a late night "study party" (like we were actually studying) we decided to get in the car and drive to Mount Rushmore, mind you it was 12:30 AM!!!! so technically we left sunday morning! :) We drove all night and morning through Wyoming, which is the most boring state ever i have never seen so many cows in my life, and part way through South Dakota and around 11 am we were there! Yep, thats right we went there and got ready in the parking lot so we would look good in the pictures. (typical girls)! We stayed for about two hours hoped back in the car and drove home. We made it back in provo at 12:30am monday morning exactly 24 hours!!!! Wow we are crazy!
Here is us in the border for Wyoming and South Dakota


It got really cold as we started hiking so we grabbed our blankets and hiked around in them we made some people laugh it was awesome! 

IT was definitely a crazy adventure

An amazing adventure! Next up, four corners!
Uh ya definitely!
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